Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Thing 21-Flipping the Classroom

The elements of a flipped classroom that I am going to incorporate into my classroom are students using reading interventions that I would normally do in class at home and then bring in completed work to me.  Also, I plan to have students use the quizlet feature at home to do spelling and vocabulary at home that I would normally have the students practice in class.  The link below is a quick example of how I plan to use educreations whiteboard app to explain math problems to help parents and students at home.  I tried putting a jing video onto my blog, but it would not play, I thought to convert it, but zamzar doesn't convert swf files.  However, I did get it to upload into my "Face of the classroom" at the link below, so please check it out.  It is a reading intervention program that I will have my students do at home instead of in the classroom to flip my classroom; it is me explaining the process to parents so that they can learn to help their students and view it over and over to in order to better understand the process.

I showed the "How to do Read Naturally" reading intervention video to a school colleague and she thought the video was a great tool to help the parents and students use the reading intervention program effectively at home.  Some ways she thought I could improve it are to use a different color than pink to highlight the "hot read section" because it doesn't show up well, to say the actual number of the step instead of just saying "the next step is to...", and to pause between each step a short time so that parents or students can pause and restart the video.  Some of the strengths she thought were the use of color to underline and the arrows pointing out the steps and where they are to be done on the students sheet.  The tone of my voice and the end when I thanked the parents for helping their student improve as a reader.  I will improve my next recording by pausing a little after I speak to make it easier to understand me, continue to use the highlighting feature, and make sure that I am more specific with the details I say.  Also, I plan on trying to use the powerpoint so that I can use the pointer feature when discussing during the video.


  1. Chad,
    The best way to share screencast videos from Jing is to upload them to You have to create an account, and you get a limited amount of storage and bandwidth for others to view. I have used it fairly often and have not hit the limit yet. Once it's there, you can share the link or use the embed code given. The videos will work on iPads, which is not true of screencastomatic.

    Hopefully that helps.

    1. Thanks Craig, I will give it a try. I was able to get the video to upload to my "Face of the Classroom" website, so you can check it out there. I also added the link to my educreations video that I created on my ipad to my blog after you responded to it. My Thing 21 response is now complete. Thanks for looking it over.
