Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thing 15- Google Reader/ RSS

One of the RSS feeds that I am subscribing to is the "Free Technology for Teachers" blog.  This blog is filled with outstanding articles on using technology in school.  I was really interested in this Ipad teaching since I just received an Ipad to use in my classroom and could potentially have access to an Ipad cart in the very near future.
Below is another feed that I just could not stop reading, it is filled with lots of creative ways to use technology with students.  I especially liked that some articles like the one below discussed ideas to incorporate technology with ELL learners, which my school has, and younger students.
Using Google Reader is going to be very useful to me because I won't have to waste time surfing the web to find valuable articles related to technology use in education.  It will help me as a teacher because I will be able to get creative and interesting ways to incorporate technology into my class to make learning fun, relevant to their future, and rigorous.  Thanks Ron, Craig, and Andrew for the valuable feeds that you pointed us to during the webinar.

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